Adrian Dobson

Adrian Dobson is an ordained Spiritualist Minister, International Spiritualist Medium, Public Speaker and Transformation Coach. He has been aware of spirit most of my life, and works both Psychically and Mediumistically doing private, party readings, spiritualist church's, and stage events. He was ordained in February 2021 as a Spiritualist Minister, giving spiritual advice, also he performs Weddings and funerals as a minister and certified Celebrant. He was certified as an International Transformation Coach in November 2021 and an International Public Speaker in April 2022, and now helps individuals move forward in their lives, attaining their hopes and dreams, through NLP and Timeline coaching. He believes wholeheartedly in unconditional love which is given to us by our by faith in a higher divine source, believing that we experience many levels of this love and through our physical journey on the earth plain. He believes that we are all capable of connecting with the spirit world when in need of comfort and guidance if we allow ourselves to link in to that higher energy that we hold within us, knowing that the Angels, our guides, and loved ones, in spirit, are there eager to help when we ask them. He believes that we cross paths many people in our lives for a reason, and it is to help each other heal or develop on our path to a more spiritual life and understanding of we we truly are in order to fulfil our soul purpose here on earth.