Brian J. Allan 
As a result of a very early close encounter with the otherworld, Brian Allan has had a lifelong interest in all kinds of paranormal and occult phenomena. Although he had initially confined his interest in the subject to a passive role, involving study via books etc, it is only in the past forty five years or so that he actually became involved in an active ‘hands on’ basis. During this period of time he has witnessed at first hand some genuinely remarkable phenomena and has also met some truly remarkable and talented people. So far he has written twelve books, all dealing with various aspects of paranormal in one way or another, and he is currently the editor-in-chief of the well-known international online publication, Phenomena Magazine. He has also been privileged to receive Strange Phenomena Investigations prestigious Tartan Skull award for services to Ufology and the paranormal in Scotland. All back issues of Phenomena Magazine, which is absolutely free, can be accessed at