Cassandra Vanzant

Psychic, medium, channel, educator, celestial and animal artist, spirit photographer and former reknowned host of 'Across the Universe' (Metaphysical Talkradio), Cassandra’s journey began 25 years ago after a harrowing near death experience.
This life-altering event served to become the rite of passage which awakened her latent psychic abilities. Since that fateful day, Cassandra has sought answers and insights from the unseen realms of spirit guides, angels, and extraterrestrials whom she encountered while out of body.
Eventually, this soul-searching endeavor led to the refinement of Cassandra’s highly intuitive gifts. The main modalities she now works through are clairvoyance, mediumship, and channeling. As The Celestial Interpreter of the Star Families, she also speaks the intergalactic language.