David Traynor

From an early age David was able to see and sense Spirit naturally, his sensitivity set him apart from other children; he was recognised as being different.
It was one night’s events that would eventually change the course of his life forever. It was 3am and the pre-teenager David woke from a deep sleep to see a man dressed in a monk’s robe looking over him and smiling. David began to scream, but no sound came from his mouth. The monk disappeared and David was released from the bubble of energy that had surrounded him.
It was some years later that David came to know that the monk was in fact Jason, his Inspirer, and they had been together since David’s conception.
It soon became apparent that David’s life journey would lead him to be one of the World’s best-loved and most accurate Mediums and Psychic Artist. David soon established an excellent reputation that spread across continents leading him to be invited to host the 115th Anniversary of Spiritualism in the USA. David was invited to read for the then Vice-President of the CBS TV network who invited him to appear on one of their TV News shows. There he met and read for William Shatner, Star Trek’s original Captain Kirk, who invited him to appear on his own L.A. show.
David’s celebrity clientele has grown extensively and his reputation led him to read for a very important member of a certain Royal Household. Reading for scientists and sceptics alike, David’s reputation goes before him.
TV personality, Author and Mentor, David’s gifts never cease to leave the public amazed and at peace.
Words from David…
My work is done with a pure heart and soul, it is an honour to read for those in need. Spiritual endeavours are exciting and entertaining, but most of all, should be comforting. There is nothing in this world that gives me greater pleasure than to prove ‘All whom we Love, Live.’