Kim Cain 
I am a Professional Animal Communicator, Psychic/Medium, and Reiki Master. I can communicate with all beings, alive or deceased as well as plants, rocks, bugs, etc. I have been involved with animals all my life including breeding and competing with dogs. I have always “known” things I could not know and could feel where energies were off on a person or animal due to injury or disease. Later I was to have a profound experience with angelic beings and the Creator’s unconditional love/light.
Several years ago I had a cat that passed and within a few months a dog that also passed. Both of these animals came to me in Spirit using images and words to let me know they were ok, and to thank me for their care. This started my journey of learning about my abilities and how I could use them to help others.
I work with animals through Images, Feelings, Hearing, and occasionally Smelling. I have fortunately never had an animal have me taste something, and I think I’m ok with that!
I currently work with private individuals as well as rescue groups to assist them in understanding their pets and creating better human/animal bonds. I work with competition animals, as well as behavioral problems and health issues. I work with people and their animals on end of life decisions and working through the grieving process. I also work with lost pets.
I currently reside with my Husband, a couple of Golden Retrievers, several Cavalier King Charles, and one amazing cat who truly believes he’s a dog.
I take my responsibility to my clients very seriously and I only work “in the light” with my readings and communications. Only information that is for the highest and best good of the client and to bring healing to all is channeled.