Miesha Johnston

Miesha Johnston is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in ET Experiencer Regressions, Past Life Regression, PTSD and Trauma Recovery and Release Hypnosis. She offers Galactic Multi-Dimensional Sessions, to find out your galactic origins and missions. She is a Trance channel who speaks many Galactic Light Languages. She can interpenetrate multidimensional realms, access intergalactic intelligence, offers Galactic light Language classes, and she monthly facilitates Experiencer groups three times a week on Zoom and in her home.
Miesha is a second-generation experiencer having contact with eight different types of extra-terrestrials including MILAB & Mk-ultra. She shares her story of her encounters in her books. She has been on many Radio shows since1999 and has been on European, Canadian Spanish, French and Russian TV. In 1991, she founded the STAR FAMILY CONTACTEE GROUPS. She started the first teen and children’s groups in the United States in 1992. She was director of U.F.O.C.C.I. In the 1990s she was a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. In Las Vegas, Nevada. She has spoken at UFO conferences all over the western states. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, California and Colorado.
She is owner operator of Vector 5 UFO Tours of Las Vegas and has been leading tours in Las Vegas & Hawaii for 3 years, with military grade Gen 3-night vision goggles and high-powered lasers.
She is the author of “Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control” and “They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story”, and “Galactic Genealogy Planetary Origins” all available on her site and on Amazon.com. She also co- authored with Tana Newberry an Experiencer Oracle Deck and companion book. Available on her site and www.Amazon.com.