Nancy L. Hopkins

Nancy Hopkins is a researcher, author, internet radio host/producer and owner of Cosmic Reality Radio. Nancy has published the nonfiction Cosmic Reality and the novel The 9/11 Crusade. The novel was written to present facts regarding the attacks on the Twin Towers that dispel the official rendition of what happened. The nonfiction unravels secret history and secret science.
Nancy’s recently published third book is entitled Shungite Reality - A Study of Energy. The book relates Nancy’s journey into the study of Shungite, a composite carbon mineral found only in Russia. Shungite has been called “The Medicine of the 20th Century”, because of its numerous attributes from water purification to protection against EMF, WiFi, and radiation. In uncovering the science behind Shungite, the journey led to hope. During 3 seasons from 2017-2019 Shungite demonstrated it could protect Honey Bee hives and accelerate colony expansion. If Shungite reversed the decline in bees, could it do the same for the rest of the Insect Kingdom being killed off by our electronic technology. Shungite gives hope the ongoing “Sixth Extinction Event” can be reversed.
The nonfiction Shungite Reality relates the story of how the study of Shungite’s seemingly magical attributes evolved into an understanding of Enerology - which is the study of energy. The profound understanding of the interrelationship of all that exists within this biosphere we call Earth, takes the Shungite story into realms of science including Metaphysics and Quantum Physics leading to reality Sci Fi.