Steve E. Asher

Paranormal researcher Steve E. Asher is also a freelance writer and artist, as well as a lover of music. Previously he worked over ten years in law enforcement and as a correctional officer. Steve is a longtime researcher of the paranormal. He has traveled worldwide, most recently to Thailand where he and his wife adopted one of their two sons. Steve is an avid lover of the nighttime. He has said this is when he feels most truly alive, in the darkness of the night, and therefore most productive in his paranormal research and writing. He is a native of Princeton Kentucky.
Author Steve E. Asher has always had an deep interest in the Kentucky State Penitentiary since his early childhood. His late father told him of the many dark things that inhabit the oppressive halls of the prison. Once Asher began working there himself he experienced some of the same phenomenon himself it was then he knew he must write about them.