Sunshower Rose

Sunshower Rose is a seasoned Wellness Consultant and Professional Artist. She holds a B.A. in Fine Art, with an emphasis on the Face and Figure. She also does commercial art. One of her claims to fame is the design of the official logo for the City of Sedona, Arizona.
As much as she considers herself a “Professional Right Brainer”, she has also delved into the field of Alternative Health since 2001. Her journey in this area began by working with Magnetics, Far Infrared and Tourmaline. Currently, Ms. Rose represents a global company, established in 2004. Among other state of the art products, this company has had a breakthrough in the Science of AFFORDABLE, NON-INVASIVE “STEM CELL ACTIVATION”.
As this company will never be advertised through the usual platforms, such as T.V. infomercials, Sunshower’s purpose today is to EDUCATE YOU, our LISTENERS about this SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH!