Walter Jan Jakobsen
Walter Jan Jakobsen, I was born on 11th of May 1965 in Vlissingen, The Netherlands. In my whole life I was a professional musician, I moved to Groningen when I was 23 years old for the music business as a singer, piano player, producer, arranger and guitar player. I played in a lot of bands with famous musicians.
12 years ago I was very ill, almost dead. Now I am healthy and I feel stronger then I was before.
On this moment I am a medium and I play soul melodies for people who need some help with insights in their life and their life path to get stronger. My piano is tuned on healing tuning called: the divine nine. I will explain this in the radio interview.
On this moment I give healing conversations for people who are stuck in their lives about their health and to be happy again. I know a lot of frequencies and meditation to feel much better, like hoponopono. It's a meditation to get contact and to heal the inner child.